Kristen T. Begosh

Kristen T. Begosh

Assistant Professor, University of Delaware


Kristen T. Begosh is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Delaware. Her research in music psychology has included investigations in the cognitive strategies of musicians as they perform from memory and making connections between what is known about the way in which musicians prepare a piece to perform and how people might commit poetry to memory. She has also recently begun studying ways in which instructors can present information in their classes to maximize student learning outcomes.



B.A. The College of New Jersey, 2005
Major: Psychology. Minor: Italian
M.A. University of Connecticut, 2008
Experimental Psychology
Ph.D. University of Connecticut, 2011
Experimental Psychology
Dissertation: Beyond List and Gist: Factors Contributing to Accurate Memory for Verse


Contact Information

University of Delaware
Department of Psychology
108 Wolf Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 302-831-2884


Peer Reviewed Publication

Demos, A. P., Chaffin, R., Begosh, K. T., Daniels, J. R., & Marsh, K. L. (In press). Rocking to the Beat: Effects of Music and Partner’s Movements on Spontaneous Interpersonal Coordination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.

Chaffin, R., Lisboa, T., Logan, T., & Begosh, K.T. (2010). Preparing for Memorized Cello Performance: The Role of Performance Cues. Psychology of music, 38, 3-30.

Book Chapters

Chaffin, R., Logan, T.R., & Begosh, K.T. (2009). Performing from memory. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, & M. Thaut (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology (pp. 352-363). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Conference Proceedings & Posters

Begosh, K. T. (2013, May). Rhythmic Movement Affects Confidence but not Accuracy of Memory for Limericks. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D. C.

Begosh, K. T., Chaffin, R., Silva, L.C.B., & Lisboa, T. (2010, August). Embodied Effects on Musicians’ Memory of Highly Polished Performances. Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Adelaide, Australia: Casual Production

Begosh, K. T. & Chaffin, R. (2009, August). Listeners’ Sensitivity to Performers’ Expressive Intentions. Poster presented at the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), Indianapolis, IN.

Begosh, K. T., Chaffin, R., Barros, L.C., & Lisboa, T. (2009, August). Cued Recall of Memory for Performance. Poster presented at the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), Jyväskylä, Finland.

Demos, A.P., Chaffin, R., Lewis, A., Begosh, K.T., Daniels, J., Marsh, K.(2009, August). Rocking in Synch: Effects of music on interpersonal coordination. Poster presented at the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), Indianapolis.

Begosh, K. T., Boncoddo, R. A., & Magnuson, J. S. (2008, May) Cognitive problem solving strategies differ as a function of performance. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL.

Begosh, K.T., Chaffin, R., & Barros, L.C. (2007, August) Cued recall of memory for performance: A case study. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Montreal, QC Canada.

Logan, T., Begosh, K., Chaffin R., Lisboa T. (2007, August) Memorizing for Cello Performance. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Montreal, QC Canada.

Begosh, K.T., Lisboa, T., & Logan, T. (2007, July). Memorizing for cello performance: Effects of performance cues on recall.In H. Noice (Chair), Expert memory in the performing arts. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Lewiston, ME.

Begosh, K.T., Logan, T., Chaffin, R., & Lisboa, T. (2007, July). Expert memory in music performance: Effects of performance cues on recall and tempo variation. Poster session presented at the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Lewiston, ME.

Logan, T., Begosh, K.T., Chaffin, R., & Lisboa, T. (2006, May). Expert musicians and memory: Comparing self-report and practice in music performance research. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. New York, NY.

Chaffin, R., Lisboa, T., Begosh, K.T., & Logan, T. (2006, May). Expert memory in solo cello performance. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. New York, NY.